Overview of Latest MARPOL AnneX VI Amendment: MEPC.361(79) and MEPC.362(79)

Being well-versed in Marpol regulations is no longer optional for seafaring and maritime professionals. Marpol Annex VI and the NOx Technical Code have undergone numerous amendments over the past decade. In this blog, we will take an overview the two latest resolutions that will come into force by May 2024.
Within this blog, we've also included a list of all the amendments made in the last decade for further reading, as well as a quiz(Select content for our premium subscribers).
Additionally, for our MarineX Plus and MarineX PRO Subscribers, we've introduced a comprehensive Annex VI Amendment Bookcase, a quiz, and much more to provide a 360-degree learning experience
In the complex world of international maritime regulations, keeping up with the latest developments is essential for ensuring the safety and environmental responsibility of the shipping industry.
One of the primary organizations responsible for setting global standards is the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and it recently adopted two crucial resolutions, MEPC.361(79) and MEPC.362(79), which warrant our attention.
MEPC.361(79): Mediterranean Sea Emission Control Area

Date of Adoption: December 16, 2022
The Mediterranean Sea is a vital region, both ecologically and economically. However, the shipping industry's emissions have been a growing concern, leading to the need for more stringent environmental regulations.
Key Amendments
- The resolution introduces amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1997, which modifies the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, known as MARPOL.
- These amendments will significantly tighten regulations concerning emissions within the Mediterranean Sea Emission Control Area, with specific targets related to SOx and particulate matter.
Entry into Force:
MEPC.361(79) is set to enter into force on May 1, 2024.
Notable Provisions:
Ships operating within the Mediterranean Sea Emission Control Area will be subject to more stringent emission standards, contributing to the protection of the Mediterranean's sensitive ecosystems.
MEPC.362(79): Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI

Date of Adoption: December 16, 2022
The Arctic region is ecologically fragile, and as shipping activity increases in these waters, the potential for environmental harm grows. It's imperative to regulate these activities carefully.
Key Amendments
MEPC.362(79) amends MARPOL Annex VI, introducing provisions for regional reception facilities in Arctic waters, specifying what information should be included in Bunker Delivery Notes (BDNs), and how data should be submitted to the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database.
Entry into Force
This resolution also takes effect on May 1, 2024.
- The resolution emphasizes the importance of transparency and accountability in the use of ship fuels and the collection of data related to fuel oil consumption, which is a significant step in mitigating environmental impacts.
- The amendments are intended to better regulate activities in the Arctic region, an area highly vulnerable to environmental damage.
The Adoption Process
Both MEPC.361(79) and MEPC.362(79) went through a well-defined adoption process, as outlined in the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). The resolutions were carefully considered at the seventy-ninth session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) and subsequently adopted.
These resolutions are vital components of global efforts to combat pollution from ships, safeguard sensitive ecosystems, and promote environmentally responsible maritime practices.
Remember, As we move forward, it's essential for the shipping industry to adapt to these changes, embrace cleaner technologies, and continue working towards a more sustainable future for our oceans and the planet.
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